Topic: The essay of “Science Fiction in Film & Television”

Order Description
Please choose one topic from the six options. Do not plagiarise, never just cpopy and paste, the essay will check the similarity via Turnitin.
Do noticed that the Reading strategy have to use in the essay and choose the most suitable topic of you.

Module Assignment
• Individual essay (3000 words max) on a course theme [see below].
• submitted by Monday Friday 4th 2015
• Please submit one online copy via Black Board and one hard copy to the College MHT admin office (which closes at 4pm]
1.Discuss science fiction and intertextuality employing suitable examples to substantiate your argument

2.Choose one of the following issues and outline the major arguments which have been formulated around them
American or British Science Fiction or Fantasy television.
Comedy & censorship with reference to the graphic narrative

3.`Horror cycles emerge in times of social stress:The genre is a means through which the anxieties of an era can be expressed.`
Discuss this in relation to postmodernism and horror.

4. With examples from at least three texts discuss one of the following.
The narrative formulae of the super-hero motion picture
Archetypes of the media.
Postmodernism and the graphic narrative
Narrative processes of contemporary American film and television.

5. With reference to at least two recent SF oriented texts, discuss one of the following
Mythology & Heroism
Utopian & Dystopian paradigms.
Gender & Narrative

6. Discuss the relationship between image, performance & meaning in one of the following
The television series `Fringe ` or `Doctor Who`
A named episode of either ` Heroes`, or `Lost` or `True Blood`
A suitable example from contemporary SF in Film & TV
Reading strategy
The following texts are recommended to provide a reasonable foundation of many of the concepts likely to be covered in this unit.However due to the fundamental nature of the unit students should actively consult contemporary journals and publications such as `The Guardian`,`Wired`,`Broadcast`,`SFX`Death Ray`Sci-Fi Now“ & `Sight & Sound`

Blonsky,Marshall(Ed) `On signs-a semiotics reader`,Blackwell,1985.
Boyd,Andrew,`Broadcast Journalism-techniques of radio and TV news`,Heinemann 1988
Broderick,Damien `Reading by Starlight`,Routledge,1995.
Chapma, James `Inside the Tardis,The worlds of Doctor Who`, I.B Tauris 2006
Carroll,Noel `The Philosophy of Horror`,Harmony Books,1988
During,Simon(Ed) `The Cultural Studies Reader`,Routledge 1993.
Geraghty,Lincoln `Living with Star Trek, American Culture and the Star Trek Universe, I.B Tauris 2007
Kuhn,Annette(Ed) `Alien Zone`,Verso,1990
Newman,Kim `Nightmare Movies`,Routlege,1990
Reynolds,Richard `Superheroes`,Batford,1992
Sabin,Roger `Adult Comics`,Routledge,1993
Tulloch, John & Jenkins, Henry `Science Fiction Audiences, Routledge 1995

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Topic: The essay of “Science Fiction in Film & Television”

Order Description
Please choose one topic from the six options. Do not plagiarise, never just cpopy and paste, the essay will check the similarity via Turnitin.
Do noticed that the Reading strategy have to use in the essay and choose the most suitable topic of you.

Module Assignment
• Individual essay (3000 words max) on a course theme [see below].
• submitted by Monday Friday 4th 2015
• Please submit one online copy via Black Board and one hard copy to the College MHT admin office (which closes at 4pm]
1.Discuss science fiction and intertextuality employing suitable examples to substantiate your argument

2.Choose one of the following issues and outline the major arguments which have been formulated around them
American or British Science Fiction or Fantasy television.
Comedy & censorship with reference to the graphic narrative

3.`Horror cycles emerge in times of social stress:The genre is a means through which the anxieties of an era can be expressed.`
Discuss this in relation to postmodernism and horror.

4. With examples from at least three texts discuss one of the following.
The narrative formulae of the super-hero motion picture
Archetypes of the media.
Postmodernism and the graphic narrative
Narrative processes of contemporary American film and television.

5. With reference to at least two recent SF oriented texts, discuss one of the following
Mythology & Heroism
Utopian & Dystopian paradigms.
Gender & Narrative

6. Discuss the relationship between image, performance & meaning in one of the following
The television series `Fringe ` or `Doctor Who`
A named episode of either ` Heroes`, or `Lost` or `True Blood`
A suitable example from contemporary SF in Film & TV
Reading strategy
The following texts are recommended to provide a reasonable foundation of many of the concepts likely to be covered in this unit.However due to the fundamental nature of the unit students should actively consult contemporary journals and publications such as `The Guardian`,`Wired`,`Broadcast`,`SFX`Death Ray`Sci-Fi Now“ & `Sight & Sound`

Blonsky,Marshall(Ed) `On signs-a semiotics reader`,Blackwell,1985.
Boyd,Andrew,`Broadcast Journalism-techniques of radio and TV news`,Heinemann 1988
Broderick,Damien `Reading by Starlight`,Routledge,1995.
Chapma, James `Inside the Tardis,The worlds of Doctor Who`, I.B Tauris 2006
Carroll,Noel `The Philosophy of Horror`,Harmony Books,1988
During,Simon(Ed) `The Cultural Studies Reader`,Routledge 1993.
Geraghty,Lincoln `Living with Star Trek, American Culture and the Star Trek Universe, I.B Tauris 2007
Kuhn,Annette(Ed) `Alien Zone`,Verso,1990
Newman,Kim `Nightmare Movies`,Routlege,1990
Reynolds,Richard `Superheroes`,Batford,1992
Sabin,Roger `Adult Comics`,Routledge,1993
Tulloch, John & Jenkins, Henry `Science Fiction Audiences, Routledge 1995

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